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💡 Understanding New opt-in's behavior

Why Focus on New Contacts?

Optimizing the conversion of new opt-ins is crucial, given the significant investment marketing teams make in acquiring them. By maximizing the potential of these opt-ins, you can enhance the ROI of acquisition campaigns.

New opt-ins offer fresh opportunities for targeted engagement, providing insights into customer preferences. This data informs tailored communication strategies, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Prioritizing new opt-in acquisitions is vital for staying competitive and driving long-term success in your CRM strategy!


Analyzing Purchasing Patterns

Begin by examining the purchasing habits of your new opt-in who purchase quickly after entering in your database. This involves looking at sales data to identify common characteristics and behaviors of this segment.

  • Customer Data Platform (CDP) Usage: Utilize your CDP to track and segment customers based on the share of products that they buy thanks to the pre-computed attributes.

  • Behavioral Analysis: Assess which product category or brands have been most effective in attracting these New customers to understand the types of products they are most likely to purchase thanks to the Custom Audience filters.


Tailored Welcome Journeys

  • New Opt-in / Customers Purchase Pattern Analysis: Analyze the purchasing patterns of new customers, including product categories purchased and the initial acquisition channel. By identifying common trends and behaviors, you can gain insights into their preferences and habits, enabling you to tailor welcome scenarios accordingly.

  • Develop specific onboarding paths for new prospects and/or customers, customized based on their respective needs and preferences. By understanding their motivations and expectations, personalized welcome journeys can effectively introduce them to your CRM platform, increasing the likelihood of conversion and long-term engagement.

  • How to customize Welcome Journeys? Highlight in your communications the product categories, or brands that your New Opt-in are most likely to purchase, Present the advantages of the channel they are most likely to use, etc.


Optimize your Acquisition Strategy

You can optimize your Opt-in Conversion rate by optimizing your acquisition strategy.

  • Optimize the conversion of collected data by leveraging seed segments of new opt-ins turned customers on platforms like Google and Meta. By using targeted advertising and remarketing strategies, you can effectively nurture leads and drive conversions among new opt-ins, maximizing the ROI of acquisition efforts.

  • Evaluation of Acquisition Sources for Better Budget Allocation: Evaluate the effectiveness of different acquisition sources in terms of conversion rates to allocate budgets more efficiently. By identifying the most successful channels and optimizing resource allocation accordingly, you can maximize the impact of your marketing campaigns and improve overall performance.


Automation based on RFM Segments Changes

  • Automation Based on RFM Segment Changes: Create automated workflows based on changes in the RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) segments. By dynamically adjusting communication strategies and offers in response to changes in customer behavior and engagement levels, you can ensure timely and relevant interactions, fostering stronger relationships and driving continued loyalty.

New opt-in are identified in the RFM Segmentation on the Segment "10 Prospects". Use the transition matric to identify the flow of contacts that are moving from this segment to a lower one and set up an automation to reactivate them before they become inactive.

These strategies aim to optimize the onboarding experience, maximize conversion rates, and improve the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts for your CRM platform.


Measuring Success and Making Adjustments:

  • KPI Monitoring: Regularly monitor key performance indicators such as conversion rates of New Opt-in and Evolution of the New Procpect Segment in the Transition Matrix



By effectively understanding New Opt-in, you can increase both conversion rate on this segment and ROI on acquisition campaigns.