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Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives, with users increasingly relying on them for various tasks. A mobile app is a space where you can freely add value to your customers beyond your loyalty program. A dedicated app is powerful but its reach is limited to the most engaged customers.

  • Millions of apps are available but we only use about 12 apps regularly

  • In retail, after 30 days more than 50% of users will have uninstalled the app

We highlight in the image the differences in user journeys to add a Mobile Wallets Pass and install an app. 

Mobile Wallets: A Strong Engagement Strategy

On top of increasing customer identification in-store through key features (geofenced messages, offline), Mobile wallets offer additional communication channels to reinforce your CRM strategy. 

Mobile wallets, which often consolidate payment methods, loyalty cards, tickets, and more, increase a brand's presence by being pre-installed on customers' mobile devices. You can read more on Mobile Wallets in your CRM strategy here.

With multiple channels overlapping, incorporating mobile wallets alongside apps increases the chances of representing diverse customer habits and preferences.

A desired feature

Within the App, the Mobile Wallet Pass is actually a desired feature, as it is natively offline and makes it easier to find the needed Pass when it is relevant.

Should I invest in both Mobile Wallets and Mobile app?

Yes, the Mobile Wallets which are natively offline, offer a convenient way for users to access relevant information when needed. Features such as push notifications, geofenced messages, and offline usability can be used to deliver complementary possibilities not present in your app.

Having the same functional scope as the Mobile Wallets in your app would represent a heavy technical investment with some constraints:

  • Offline feature is a heavy investment

  • Geofenced features allowing the customers to access their card information from the lock screen near a store require an app authorizing access to the GPS and might cause issues with the device's battery. 

  • Push notifications with an easy marketing tool to plan and monitor key metrics

Complementarities between Mobile Apps & Mobile Wallets

Examples of the App & Pass relationship

Below we have outlined some examples of how the App & the Pass can work alongside each other. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the App & Pass relationship are available in iOS (Apple Wallet) and Android (Google Wallet).

From the Pass to the App (first image)

From the App to the Pass (second image)

Providing a Personalized Mobile Experience (iOS only)

It is possible to personalize the end-user experience in-app on iOS by reading certain types of content/data from the Pass such as:

  • First name: to use it in a welcome message for users upon first launch of the app

  • Card number/email: in order to pre-fill the sign-in or authentication form in-app

In the image, you can see an example of data customization to pre-fill the authentication form in-app.