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In this guide, you will find details on the most important terms that can be found on the Loyalty platform.

Holding period

In a loyalty program, the holding period for points prevents individuals from spending them until the holding period is over. It is a setting that helps you have better control over how points are used and spent by members. By default, the value is set to 0 and there is no holding period unless configured otherwise.

Loyalty Web Kit

The Loyalty Web Kit is a plug-and-play user interface of your Loyalty program on your website. The Loyalty Web Kit simplifies the technical integration for your e-commerce platform by providing a fully responsive user interface of your loyalty program, packaged in a code template without the need for extensive API integration.


Contacts having given consent to join the Loyalty program. Only members can get points and rewards. They are materialized by a unique card code in the program.

Qualifying/non-qualifying points

In a loyalty program Q (qualifying) points are used to move loyalty members up & down tiers within your loyalty program(s). They are called "qualifying" because they enable members to qualify for specific tiers.

NQ (non-qualifying) points are meant to be accumulated over time and used when the loyalty members select rewards and redeem them; in this case, the NQ points corresponding to the cost of the rewards will be deducted from each member's balance. They should be considered as the currency of your loyalty program.

Q points are available only in tiered programs and NQ points in both
simple and tiered programs.


A refund, also referred to as a return, is a reimbursement given to customers after they have returned a product. It can be full when it matches the entire order, or partial, if only some of the product's order were returned. Please also read our technical documentation on the topic if you would like to know more.


Rewards are gifts that your loyalty members can get and use on special occasions: subscription, birthday, purchase, tier upgrade, or completion of an event. They can be discount vouchers, coupons, products, and even services. Learn more in our dedicated guide.


The loyalty rules allow you to grant points or rewards based on certain conditions. As soon as the conditions are met, the outcomes of the loyalty rule are applied. Learn more in our dedicated guide.


The loyalty program levels, defined by the member’s qualifying points balance.

Validity period

The period in which card codes, points, and rewards can be used. They expire at the end of it.