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Define the audience for a campaign


Our predictive engine powered by Deep Learning algorithms is designed to target the most likely-to-buy customers. However, the nature of your communication may require certain audience restrictions.

For example, a special offer could be reserved for customers with Gold status in your loyalty program.


👉 The Audience Filter field on the campaign creation page lets you define restrictions.

Your campaign reaches all your customers, with no restriction

If there are no audience restrictions, you don't need to apply any filters to your campaign and can skip this step.

Your campaign reaches only certain customers

If you want to keep your campaign for certain customers, then you need to apply a filter to restrict the audience.

👉 From the Audience Filters drop-down list, you find all the filters you've previously created in Custom Audience Filter.

You can use the search bar and click on your audience filter.


Excluding recent buyers from the campaign

For some of your campaigns, particularly those highlighting offers with a low purchase frequency (Refrigerator, Long-distance travel, etc.), you may need to ensure that no one who has recently purchased the highlighted offer is targeted.

👉 If you have enabled the option in your Settings, an Exclude recent buyers button appears below the Audience Filters field.

To find out more about excluding recent buyers, please read this guide.