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Choosing the best volume for your campaign


In the Audience section of the Campaign details side panel, you can adjust the audience volume.

👉 The volume bar lets you go below or above the volume recommendation provided by Splio and materialized by the dip in the volume selector.

💡 Several things can help you configure the volume

The blue gradient on the volume bar: the darker the blue, the more you target customers with a very high probability of purchase. Conversely, you broaden your target by including customers with a low probability of purchase when the blue lightens.


The Lift indicator, which corresponds to the ratio between the volume selected and its potential to purchase.
For example, if 10% of the database represents 90% of the potential: the lift will equal 9.


The Potential indicator, i.e. the estimated probability to buy for the selected volume.
In this example, we can see that selecting 74,322 customers (19% of the pre-defined audience) represents 86% of the potential for this campaign.

👉 Some recommendations

  • When it comes to a targeted campaign, we recommend you select a volume between 5% and 20% of your database.

  • When the cursor is concentrated in dark blue, it means that your offer will interest a smaller volume of your database. However, a campaign based on a smaller volume of customers, but with a much higher likelihood to purchase, will probably be more economically beneficial.