Passa al contenuto principale

The more your customer-facing teams (in-store and customer service) are involved, the better your results will be in terms of Pass distribution and client satisfaction.

2 main milestones

📣 Your teams need to talk about the Pass and help users add it to their mobile

❔ Your teams need to be able to answer users when asked about it

The minimum setup

📝 Use our template of Cheat sheet to communicate internally. (Check out our In-store Memo template for Employees)

📖 Explain the topic in internal training, in the newcomer onboarding processes, in the internal documentation, and in your internal communication

Good practices

📨 Start your distribution internally, it will be a good way of testing and involving your teams in the project.

🙋 Involve the customer-facing teams in the launch of the project, at least presenting them with the Mobile Wallet Pass service and benefits

🏆 Create emulation providing monitoring of the Pass distribution per store (you can even gamify it by implementing some contests)