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High resolution screenshots.

Taking high resolution screenshots

1. What resolution do I need?
  • Screenshots rely on the display resolution, the higher the display resolution, the better the screenshot quality.

  • To get a screenshot with high resolution, go to your control panel and check your display settings, and increase the display resolution to the highest possible.

  • If you have several screens, use the one with the highest resolution to take your screenshot.

  • Depending on how you are going to use your screenshot, the minimum resolution needed for good quality will vary.

  • For printed material, it is commonly recommended to have a 300 dpi pixel density.

  • Pixel Calculator can help you calculate the resolution needed for your usage.

2. How to take screenshots from the platform? 
  1. Choose a specific user and the info associated by going to this user details and selecting Set as test user. By default, the user is a fake user we created with specific info depending on the language of the project (Elodie Riquer for FR, Mary Grant for EN…)

  2. To take a screenshot from the platform go to Projects > actions > screenshots and choose the presentation that suits your needs.

  3. Click on download screenshot, a PNG will save automatically to your downloads.