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View optimization settings and results


Once the campaign group has been optimized, you can get an overview of the parameters set and the optimization results by clicking on the 🔗 icon on the card of one of the campaigns in the group.

A pop-up will appear with details on the group of campaigns optimized together.

Read optimization results

This window will provide you with key information and allow you to change optimization parameters.

The Metrics section provides you with aggregated metrics for the campaign group:

  • the total volume of planned messages,

  • the number of campaigns,

  • the average marketing pressure,

  • the number of unique customers reached, i.e. the number of customers who have received at least one campaign (after optimization),

  • the number of unique addressable contacts in your customer database according to the channels set up for the group's campaigns (before optimization).


In the Fatigue Management section, you will find the marketing pressure rules that you have defined and that have been applied to the group.


In the Campaigns section, you can view the parameters and results for each campaign in the group:

  • the name, priority, and sending date of the campaign,

  • the audience volume recalculated during optimization, as well as the Lift and Potentiel KPIs,

  • The audience selection strategy - output.

To find out more about the impact of Fatigue Management rules and volume constraints on your campaigns, you can check out this guide.

Change optimization settings

👉 You can change the optimization settings by clicking on the Edit Group button at the bottom of the window.

A new window will appear, allowing you to edit marketing pressure rules and campaign parameters (volume, output, etc.).

To find out more about the Optimize Campaigns feature, you can check out this guide.


👉 As soon as you edit the group and modify the parameters, you have to launch a new optimization by clicking on the Re-Optimize button.

Want to adapt your campaign plan to last-minute changes? You can learn more thanks to this guide.