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Using the sales tracker

Splio’s Sales Tracker allows linking a campaign sent from a Splio universe or SMTP Relay to the associated sales.

The Sales Tracker is an invisible picture placed on the final confirmation page of payment on your website (note that it can be placed on as many pages as you wish). The picture, which has neither width nor height, is connected to Splio’s tracking server.

There is no action to be made on Splio’s side and you can start using this feature right away.

You only need to set up two parameters to make it work and enable the cookie in settings > privacy

  1. your universe’s name

  2. the purchase amount

Process description
  1. When a recipient clicks on a link in the newsletter, we add cookies to the local Internet client. They contain the following information:

    • ID of the customer without any personal information

    • Campaign ID of the newsletter clicked

    • URL ID of the link clicked

  2. When the purchase is made, the tracker registers the total value of the order provided into the https request and matches it with the email address, campaign ID and URL ID.

  3. The campaign’s turnover is then available and displayed within the universe.

Understanding the statistics

Once the tracker is activated, the following statistics will be available in your Splio universe:

  • Total purchases by campaign

  • Total value (turnover) by campaign

  • Total purchases by user

  • Total value (turnover) by user

  • Turnover generated per link *

*You will also be able to segment users with the total purchase amount. (Only available to campaigns sent from Splio platform, not SMTP Relay)

This is because Google Analytics uses first-party data to make sales analysis whereas our Sales Tracker uses only third-party data, therefore, we
can only track visitors who have accepted cookies.

For more information on this, please speak to your Splio contact.


The request to post is:


<img src="" width="0" height="0" border="0" alt=""/>

The example above will:

  • add 10000.00 € to the campaign growth revenue

  • add 10000.00 € to the customer’s database value

  • add 1 transaction to the campaign’s total transactions

  • add 1 transaction to the customer’s transactions sum

Parameters’ description:


Possible input



Name of your Splio

Your Splio UNIVERSE 


Purchase value

Total purchase value.
The amount value string must not
contain any currency symbol nor
The decimal separator can be adot
or a comma.


Unique transaction ID

A unique transaction ID has to be
provided in order to avoid double
posting of the same purchase
transaction (in case the buyer
refreshes the purchase confirmation


All requests have to use the https protocol.

Related resources

If you want to find out more information on how to insert custom trackers in your email designs, you can refer to our guides in the trackers section.