Using the dashboard

The dashboard displays several metrics that can help you monitor your Mobile Wallets activities. This guide focuses on the Export feature and some common questions about the dashboard. You can find the definition of each concept in the platform with the ? icon and in our glossary.

Exporting data from the dashboard

Exports can be very useful to go deeper in your analysis of the metrics that are behind the dashboard (some are not directly displayed). As we are talking about daily metrics, each line in the exported file will have aggregated values for a specific date. The exported data can then be filtered and used in Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets.

You can see how to export on the image.

We recommend only selecting the column for which data you want to see, to avoid large Excel files.

Exporting users metrics

The data that you can download here includes data on:

  • Created users (date, value, channel, locationId...)

  • Updated users

  • Removed users

Exporting Passes metrics

In the same way as for users, you can find more details on the Passes such as:

  • Added Passes (how many Passes were added and when)

  • Removed Passes

  • Added to home screen Passes (this is an option available on Android devices from the Chrome menu which lets the user see his Pass as an icon on his device's home screen).

Understanding the importance of referrers

The concept of referrer is linked to your distribution strategy as it allows you to know the channel, the source, and any relevant information about how the end-user has added his Pass. Referrers are stored at the user level (when created) and at the Pass level.

The attribution model for referrers is on a first-click basis.