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How does couponing work?

Couponing is a feature that allows you to import coupons which you can then insert into a campaign. If you would like to learn more about this feature, speak to your contact at Splio.

When sending a campaign with the coupons variables in your design, a coupon will be assigned randomly to each contact of the population. These coupons will be selected from the chosen category so that the attribution date (sending date) is between the start and end date of the coupon.

Coupons properties

Coupons have the following properties:




The code of the coupon. It should be unique, never twice the same. Unique coupons will be randomly attributed to the contacts receiving one.

Start date

Date at which Splio can start attributing the coupons. Note that you must set a start date before the sending date of your campaign. 

 💡 If you wish to test your campaign, make sure that the date is not in the future when running your tests.

End date

Mandatory. Date at which Splio must stop attributing the coupons. Note that you must set an end date after the sending date of your campaign.

Expiration date

Expiration date of the coupon. This attribute can be inserted into your designs.

How can I upload coupons?

Your file must have an End date. The end date is used when Splio must stop attributing coupons to your contacts. If no expiration date is set, the End Date will automatically be set as the expiration date.

You can view your coupons at any time by going to DATA > Coupons lists. Splio will show you all coupons, available and already attributed.

💡Splio supports CSV files, separated by commas.

Go to DATA > Coupons lists, and click on New coupons list.

💡You cannot edit, modify, or download coupons once they are uploaded. However, you can upload new coupons to an existing list.

  1. Mapping the columns

    When you upload your file, Splio will require you to map your CSV columns.

    For the date columns, you must specify in what format you are importing the date so that our system understands it correctly.

  2. Define a category
    The last step is to define a category for your coupons. The category is mandatory, as it will be used to insert the coupons in your designs and campaigns.

  3. Providing dates

    You can select the default start date, end date, and expiration date for your coupons. These dates will be used if your import file does not provide all data.

    Since the end date is mandatory, if you have only one date available in your file, we strongly recommend you assign it to "end date". If the expiration date is not set, it will default to the end date.

💡If you enter dates in the previous screen, you can import just the coupon codes (but all rows will have the same set of dates).

How does the attribution work?

You can attribute a coupon to a contact when sending a campaign.

To insert coupons in a design, you may insert variables:

  1. The coupon unique code: Designer > New design > Functions > Couponing > $Couponcategory_name$

  2. The coupon expiration date (optional): Designer > New design > Functions > Couponing > $Expcouponcategory_name$)

You can also use barcodes to insert coupon codes.

If a campaign was stopped because all coupons from the attached category were used up, you can restart it after uploading additional coupons.