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Using tags to improve your productivity in Splio Mobile Wallets

November 13, 2023


A tags management feature is now available to make it easier for different teams to work together in Splio Mobile Wallets. It can be useful to freely group some items such as notifications with some attributes from your CRM or Business Analytics tools.

How to manage my tags?

  • Create and manage your tags in your settings > data > tags. You can add any tags, and pick the color that will be displayed across the admin. You will see which member of your team has added a tag, and when. 

  • Tags can be used across different items, meaning a notification, a campaign, and an audience can all have the same tag. Additionally, items can have multiple tags.

How to use them?

  • You can assign tags from your audiences, notifications, and campaign updates. The dropdown will display all the tags created under the settings. 

  • They will be available from the views, making it easier to filter as you wish. 

  • To make your tags useful for analytics purposes, they are also available in the exports from the notification view.