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Understanding the Loyalty data model

This guide describes how Loyalty data is managed within Splio, how it is deeply tied to the contacts data, and where you can preview and edit loyalty data for each contact.

The image illustrates the positioning of loyalty data within the Splio data model.

Loyalty table

Loyalty tables contain data for all program members, represented by loyalty card codes, which are also the deduplication keys for this data table. Each time you create a new loyalty program, Splio creates a new table for it. You can have as many programs (and loyalty tables) as you need, there is no fixed limit. However, most of the time you will need only one program for your universe.

Loyalty cards are tied to contacts, which connects them to the central table of a Splio universe and allows targeting program members with messages, and granting rewards to members and used (burned) by them.

Rewards table

The Rewards table for the universe plays a similar role to the Products table. It is a repository of rewards that can be used by all loyalty programs by granting rewards to loyalty cards.

In a simple or tiered program, you can
grant rewards to your members in real time on special occasions. The reward system in Splio is composed of a Master reward, which can be created in Loyalty > Rewards, via API or Datahub. It generates unique attribution IDs, which are given to customers when you grant them a reward and then can be used in-store or online to redeem the reward.

Managing Loyalty subscriptions in the Contacts pages

In Splio you can view loyalty data directly within contacts: Data > Contacts > Loyalty > Points history.

You can subscribe a contact to a Loyalty program

Select the program from the list. If the card numbers for this program are not automatically generated, you will have to enter a card number.

You can remove a subscription to a Loyalty program

Select Remove: Splio will display a list containing all cards for all programs linked to the contact. You will then be able to select the relevant card to remove.

Monitoring contacts Loyalty history

You can access the points and rewards history for each contact: Data > Contacts > Loyalty > Loyalty point history /Rewards history.

Loyalty Points History

In this list, you can filter points by program name or, by using the advanced filter. The list provides you with the date, type of points, amount, and reason for the action. You can also credit or debit points manually.

Rewards History

This list provides information on the rewards associated with the contact when they were granted or used, in particular the reason why they were granted (by a rule, a campaign, or manually). You can also manually assign a reward using the Grant reward button.