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Understanding "device used" in "number of clicks in emails"

In Target > New contact filter > Email conditions > Number of emails openedand Number of clicks in emails, you will find a sub-condition allowing you to retarget contacts who have opened or clicked on your emails on a specific device.

This guide details what is included in each device category.

Knowing the description of each category

Device category in Target


Android smartphone

All Android mobile devices, including Samsung.

Android tablet

All Android tablet devices, including Samsung.


All iPads and iPhones before iOS 15, iPadOS15 and MacOS Monterey, or the latest versions without the option "hide my email".


Mail app on Apple devices running under iOS15, iPadOS15 or MacOS Monterey or following versions with the option “hide my email”. For more details, please take a look at our dedicated guide.


All iPads before iOS 15, iPadOS15 and MacOS Monterey, or the latest versions without the option "hide my email".


All iPhones before iOS 15, iPadOS15 and MacOS Monterey, or the latest versions without the option "hide my email".


Android smartphones + iPhones + others (Blackberry, Windows phones, Symbian).


Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Lotus.


Android tablets + iPads.


Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, Orange, SFR, Laposte, Free, Netease, QQ, Sina, Sohu.


All devices and services not identified in the categories above.