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Birthday campaign definition

A campaign sending birthday wishes and gifts to your contacts is a classic example of an automatic campaign. The scenario is repeated every day of the year, each day targeting the contacts who celebrate their birthday that day.

#1 - Creating a birthday contact filter

Contact filter on birthdays in the future

For birthdays and similar events, Splio offers the event anniversary operator which can be very useful when you have date formats such as date of birth. Take a look at the first image. Use this operator to match contacts at a specific time (in days, months, etc.) before their birthdays.

Contact filter on birthdays during the current month

Alternatively, if you wish to target those contacts whose birthday happens within the current month, make sure to build your filter like on the second image.

For targeting birthdays in a specific month of the year, use:

birth date contains -01- :(January)
birth date contains 
-02- :(February)
birth date contains 
-03- :(March)
birth date contains 
-12- :(December)

Contact filter based on date of birth of your contacts who did not add the Mobile Wallet Pass (optional)

Wish your customers a Happy Birthday encouraging them to return to your store to pick a gift or reward on their birthday. Adding the Pass is a must if you wish to have your customers notified of the latest news and benefits of your brand. Please take a look at the third image.

#2 - Creating an automatic birthday campaign

When creating automatic campaigns, you can create a follow-up action sequence. One possible use of such an action chain is to send a reminder to your contacts that there are gifts awaiting them, and then to send another reminder to those, who still didn’t claim their presents.

First, let's
create the initial campaign:

  1. Click on the New Campaign button.

  2. Click on Select starting channel and population, and select Automatic campaign. A modal window will appear with all your possible targets. Under the section "Filters", select your Birthday filter, and validate your selection.

  3. Once your population has been validated click on Add sequence.
    In the date options, select Periodic date, and configure the periodicity at which to run the campaign.

  4. If needed, you can add a branch after selecting your filter, design, and frequency by clicking on add sequence.

Our tips to time your campaign well

The data import frequency to consider

  • Through Datahub: you will hit your customers the day after. We would recommend scheduling your campaign to start early in the morning (as soon as your customer checks their phone or just after breakfast. 8.00 – 9.30 AM): keep in mind that the start date of your campaigns shall be always after the data has been synced in Splio.

  • Through API: you can hit your customers in real-time, right when the event has happened (a few seconds or minutes after they fulfilled a condition or an event).

Different strategies

The different one:
  • Sending a reminder or late birthday email. These can boost your average open rates and revenue per email by over 20%.

  • Standing out: sending a communication 1 or 2 days after the birthday.

  • Making it mysterious.

The organized one:
  • Planning a campaign a few days before the day. How about sending a communication 3 days before the birthday, promoting a visit to one of your stores on the day of the birthday to offer a small present or a special offer upon purchase?

  • Sending an email that impresses the recipient and shows you put effort into creating something special, just for them, integrating a cool glittering GIF for example.

  • Creating a birthday email in different steps such as:

    • Sending an email suggesting that the recipient shares his or her wishlist with friends and family

    • Following up with a late birthday email or a reminder email

    • Following up with a week-long or month-long series of birthday wishes

The standard one:
  • Early in the morning, breakfast time, or lunch break.

  • Offering a discount coupon, or a free product voucher