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Sending automated emails following a visit on a product page

Visits to your e-commerce site provide insights into your customers, especially when it involves product pages.

The goal, as a CRM manager, will be to turn this interest in your brand into purchases.


The importance of reacting to product page visits

Viewing product pages without making a purchase gives you two pieces of information: interest in your offer and either hesitation or a need for more information before finalizing the intention.

Sending a personalized email shortly after a product visit can significantly increase conversion rates by providing the potential customer with the information or incentive they need to make a decision.

Identifying product page visits

Just like with abandoned cart detection, the Web Tracking feature integrated into the CDP offered by Splio allows you to track and store visit information for use in your CRM campaigns.

Building personalized email strategy to engage visitors

Personalization and relevance are the keys to effective communication.

  • Product reminder email: Send a personalized email reminding the visitor of the products they viewed on your site. This can reignite their interest and encourage a return to the site.

  • Provide additional information and reviews: For visitors who viewed a specific product without purchasing, consider sending detailed product information, user guides, or testimonials from satisfied customers.

  • Personalized offers: Encourage action with personalized offers, such as discount codes valid on the viewed products or free shipping. This can be done via Splio Loyalty, for example.

Measuring effectiveness and optimizing

Track the performance of your automated emails to continuously adjust and improve your strategy.

  • Analyze open, click, and conversion rates for each email sent, as well as the impact on revenue.

  • Test different elements of your emails (subject, content, offers) with A/B tests to identify what resonates best with your audience.

By offering a personalized experience and providing added value through your communications, you can significantly improve your conversion rates and retain your customers.