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The concept of personalization of your email and SMS designs (for example inserting variables, displaying different content to your customers based on the data you have collected on them, etc.) is the topic of a dedicated section of our documentation.

In this guide, we will focus on some specific examples linked with Loyalty data:

  • how to display the remaining points to your customers in their emails

  • how many points are needed to upgrade to the next status

  • which rewards are available to them

Using Loyalty variables


Email personalization example


Remember to use your Card Number: $loyalty.cardcode$ at checkout.


A year has gone by! You subscribed to our program on the $loyalty.subscription_date$, happy anniversary!


You are receiving this message as a $loyalty.program$ member.


This offer is only available for $loyalty.tier$ members! Click here to claim your reward.


Thank you for your purchase. Your new balance is now $loyalty.total_nqpoints$ points.


Thank you for your purchase. Your new balance is now $loyalty.total_qpoints$ points.


Your $loyalty.expiring_nqpoints$ points will expire on $loyalty.expiration_date_nqpoints$, don’t waste them, and come and check out our latest offers!


Displaying rewards in email designs

If you are granting rewards to your customers as incentives within your Loyalty program, you will want to display those within your email designs. This is possible using reward loops.

Use case

Syntax needed

#1. You want to display the list of granted rewards 


Congratulations $firstname$, your $$ is available! The ID is: $reward.attribution_extid$

and will expire on $reward.expiration_date$.


#2. You want to display several rewards from a rewards filter created beforehand


If you join the program, you will be able to win: $$, $reward.description$,$reward.picture_path$


#3. You want to display specific rewards using their ID

{SPLIO FOREACH REWARD in "extid01,extid02"}

If you join the program, you will be able to win: $$, $reward.description$, $reward.picture_path$


Rewards variables

Those fields can be included in one of the reward loops explained above.




Congratulations! Your $$ is now available to be claimed!


Come and claim your reward now using this reference on our website: $reward.attribution_extid$


These fields can be inserted as part of a reward loop (see further up)

$reward.nqp_value $




Your reward was earned on $reward.earned_date$ and will expire on $reward.expiration_date$, time flies, don’t waste it!