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Managing your contacts' data

From Data, you can upload your database but also edit contact or sales data manually (such as your stores and products) and manage your email and SMS blacklists.

💡 You can check your contacts activity in
Data > Contacts, in the Activity tab where each contact's activity within the last 90 days (email received, clicked etc...) is displayed.

Deleting a contact

If for GDPR reasons you are asked by a customer to delete their data, it is possible to do so in the platform.
You can either
delete a contact manually (if this is a one-shot request) from Data > Contact, seach for your contact and click Delete

Alternatively, you can also use our SFTP or API to do this type of request in batch.

Managing your blacklists

5 email blacklists and 3 SMS blacklists are available within Splio.

Contacts will be added to a blacklist automatically when one of the below behaviur is identified by Splio:

Email blacklists
  • Spam complaints: email contacts reporting your emails as Spam from their email clients.

  • Hard bounces: any email contact that has a permanent response such as email no longer exists will go into the hard bounce blacklist.

  • Soft bounces: any email that has not been able to enter the inbox within three consecutive weeks and after three consecutive attempts will go into the soft bounce blacklist.

  • Unsubscribed contacts: when an email contact has unsubscribed from a list using the relevant link.

  • Custom email blacklist: any email contact added manually.

SMS blacklists
  • Custom SMS blacklist: any SMS contact added manually.

  • STOP * / Unsubscribes: any SMS contact that unsubscribes from all lists.

  • Non-existing or invalid: SMS equivalent to the email hard bounce.

Manually unsubscribing contacts from a list

It is also possible to manually remove a contact from one of your list from Data > Lists where you will be able to view, add, edit or delete memberships for a contact.

💡Splio lets you create up to 64 lists.

Synchronizing blacklists of the SMTP relay and Splio

Splio universe blacklists are separate from the SMTP Relay because users who no longer want to receive marketing emails may still want to receive transactional emails (i.e. password change emails).

In specific cases, it may be interesting to synchronize all blacklists but is it possible from a technical aspect?

Yes, synchronization of blacklists is possible if you link the two universes.
The SMTP blacklisted contacts are included in the unsubscribe blacklist.
You need to speak to your Splio contact for more details on this.