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This article details the technical processes behind the opt-in and unsubscription management in Splio Platform. As a reminder, a contact is considered optin in Splio when subscribed to a list and is opted-out when included into the blacklist and/or is no longer subscribed to a list.

Data Exports

Our data export feature is detailed in this article. For all exports not covered by this feature, our Professional Services team can help you. Please get in touch with your contact at Splio to find out more.

Standard / Agency modes

The standard mode for Splio is when a universe manages contacts (and contact lists) for a single population.

If the contacts unsubscribe, they are added to the unsubscribed blacklist and can longer be targeted by campaigns. They are also deleted from the list (or from all of them if you have several).

  • Pros: you cannot delete the data, Splio is blacklisting the contact on its own and you don’t need to build any export flow

  • Cons: re-subscribing a contact requires removing it from the blacklist manually or via API

In the agency mode, a Splio universe manages a contact database instead, shared by two or more brands, or two or more newsletters, as an advertising agency would do. All contacts belonging to one brand are members of a list. 

If the contacts unsubscribe, they can choose the list they want to be removed from, but they are not blacklisted by default (unless they choose to).

  • Pros: more flexible and less restrictive unsubscription

  • Cons: you will need to fetch the optin data by exporting unsubscriptions from Splio to update your database.

Splio standard unsubscription page / custom unsubscription page

If you don’t have the means to create your own unsubscription page, Splio offers a standard one, only if you manage your opt-in with lists (and not Contact custom fields). The lists displayed in the unsubscription form are the ones to which the contact is subscribed, and that you chose to display.

  • Pros: you have access to unsubscription statistics in Splio, and you can unsubscribe a contact from a single list without blacklisting it from other communications

  • Cons: you need to implement an export towards your other tools to synchronize unsubscriptions, and the page customization is limited.

If you want to have your unsubscription page, because you already have one, for example, you can!

  • Pros: you have the unsubscription information in your database in real time

  • Cons: you don’t have unsubscription statistics in Splio

Optin management via lists or custom fields

In Splio, the standard process to materialize a contact’s consent to receive communication is with the subscription to a list. However, in some cases, to be consistent with the data coming from the e-commerce or the POS, the opt-in is filled in a contact’s custom field.

Optin management and export possibilities

Opt-in management

Unsubscription page

Standard / Agency mode

Export possibilities

Splio Lists

Splio standard unsubscription page

Standard and Agency mode available

Data export

Splio Lists

Custom unsubscription page

Only standard mode available

Data collected on your side (unsubscription page)

Custom fields

Splio standard unsubscription page

Only standard mode available

Data export

Custom fields

Custom unsubscription page

Only standard mode available

Data collected on your side (unsubscription page)

Unsubscription management and features

Use cases

Standard mode

Agency mode

Unsubscription via $unsubUrl$ when the campaign population is only a list

Contact removed from all lists, and added to the unsubscribed blacklist

Contact removed from the list used as population and is not blacklisted (unless blacklist is chosen by the contact)

Unsubscription via $unsubUrl$ when the campaign population is a filter OR a filter + a list, AND one or several lists were selected in the unsubscription form

Contact removed from all lists, and added to the unsubscribed blacklist

Contact removed from the list used as population, and is not blacklisted (unless blacklist is chosen by the contact)

Unsubscription via $unsubUrl$ when the campaign population is a filter OR a filter + a list, AND no list was selected in the unsubscription form

Contact removed from all lists, and added to the unsubscribed blacklist

Contact removed from all lists, and added to the unsubscribed blacklist

Unsubscription via list-unsubscribe

Contact added to the unsubscribed blacklist

Contact added to the unsubscribed blacklist

Unsubscription when the campaign population is a temporary file

Contact added to the unsubscribed blacklist

Contact added to the unsubscribed blacklist