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Splio Connectors goal

This guide introduces our connector's philosophy, as well as their objective: we want to ease integration between Splio and your brand's technical ecosystem. Our Connection Hub helps your project to be live as soon as possible, reducing the time needed for setup.

If you want to know more about our connectors, please read our technical documentation.

We distinguish two types of connectors, depending on the direction the data is flowing regarding Splio:

  • Sources: This type of connector handles the integration between Splio and a data source from Splio's point of view, such as E-commerce, Point of Sales system, or Enterprise Ressource Planning.

  • Destinations: This type of connector helps you to push assets from Splio to another tool, such as another activation, Business Intelligence, or Advertising platform.


Connector type

By Splio / By Partner



By Splio

Google ads


By Splio

Snapchat (Early Access)


By Splio

Tik Tok (Early Access)


By Splio

Zendesk (Early Access)


By Splio

Google Cloud Storage


By Splio

Shopify app


By Splio

Shopify rewards app


By Splio

Business Intelligence


By Splio

Salesforce Marketing Cloud - Audiences


By Splio

Salesforce Marketing Cloud - email data logs


By Splio

Salesforce Commerce Cloud - sales data


By Splio

Connectors by Splio and by partners

To give you access to the most connectors as fast as possible, we have a double strategy for developing connectors:

  • Connectors by Splio: For the most used and important platforms in the ecosystem for our clients, our own technical team is developing the connectors. It is the case for sources such as Shopify, and destinations such as Google ads and Meta.

  • Connectors by partners: when necessary, we work on the implementation of the connectors with a partner to be able to deliver it in a shorter time.

What can I find in the Connectors documentation?

In each guide about one connector, you will discover:

  • A short introduction about the platform integrated with Splio

  • If the connector was designed by Splio or by a partner. In the case of a connector by partner, we always link the partner's documentation and support contact.

  • The fact that the connector is for a source or a destination from Splio's point of view.

  • The prerequisites (if any) in terms of data, features, or parameters before setting up the connector

  • The data and assets involved in the integration

  • The possibilities and limitations (if any) of the connector

  • The setup process to install the connector, and what happens when it is done.