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Avoiding broken unsubscription links

March 14, 2024


From time to time, we detect broken unsubscribe links in emails being sent by our clients. Those may lead to deliverability, reputation and legal issues.

To avoid this, make sure you follow one of these three methods to copy the unsubscription link:

  • use the $unsubUrl$ variable as a link behind your text

  • duplicate an old design to create a new one (and keep the unsub link untouched)

  • save the unsubscription row, and use it again in all your designs

In any case, do not copy the link by right-clicking from a sent email, because the final link is different for each campaign and each recipient, nor from another design as additional elements may be added in the process and make the link invalid. If the link is invalid, Splio may block your campaign.

Note: clients using their own unsubscribe URLs are not impacted.

Please don't hesitate to refer to our documentation.