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Pausing or canceling campaigns

It is possible to pause, then cancel a scheduled campaign to avoid a send-out in case of mistakes in the setup, a typo in the design, or if the landing page is unreachable for instance.


👉 How can I pause/cancel a campaign?

On the line relating to your campaign, you will find on the right-hand side a scrolling menu, allowing you to Pause the action of the campaign.

You can then reactivate the campaign by clicking on Resume action.

To cancel it permanently, you will click on Cancel.

Finally, Archive allows you to send it to the Archived Campaigns view.

Why are some emails still being delivered after pausing?

  • Jobs already running will finish their batch before honoring the Pause request. So a few thousand emails can still be submitted to the PMTA (Power Mail Transfer Agent) for further delivery.

  • Emails already submitted to, and queued in, the PMTA are not paused, they will be sent to the MailBox Providers.

  • The Pause button only pauses the submission from your campaign's data to the PMTA.

  • Submission to the PMTA is very fast (from a few seconds to a few minutes). In small campaigns, you'll barely have time to hit the Pause button, unless you set a maximum submission speed.

  • Some emails might have been already delivered (or bounced), but not yet displayed in the campaign's statistics. Those statistics will be updated when reactions (delivery, opens, clicks ...) are processed.