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In this guide, we have focused on Pass distribution through display in the physical world.

How to boost visibility:

We highly recommend that you promote the addition of the Pass to the Wallet in several ways: 

  • Integrate the pass in all your existing communication/promotion channels such as digital showcase, flyers to promote your loyalty program, packaging, product catalog, magazines, postal mailing, second screen monitor of the PoS, customer orders...

  • Create dedicated marketing material such as flyers (for example in your packages), posters placed in strategic positions within the customer journey in your stores (i.e front window, queue to checkout, checkout, floors, changing room...), around the neck badge which your teams could carry with them to promote and help to scan.

Promotion of the pass using this channel happens via a QR code underneath which we recommend that you place a short URL easy to remember as an alternative if the user cannot scan the code with his/her device.

How to get your QR codes ready: 
  • To ensure that QR codes are being read properly by the devices, we recommend that you keep a margin around it with as much contrast as possible (ideally a black QR code on a white background).

  • It must also be positioned and dimensioned to ensure that the device can easily scan it.

  • When using a Pass Preview to communicate about it and show what it looks like, make sure to blur the QR code so that it cannot be scanned.

  • Make sure to test the final version of your printed materials before using them on display. You can use the app Barcode Scanner (available on iOS or Android) to scan the QR code and check that the URL is the one available on the admin. 

In order to track the performance of each media, you can add a gwt_source tracking parameter to the QR code URL. You can also track the store with a gwt_location_id parameter. See example below:

Learn more about tracking parameters here.

Related resources

👉 How to design your distribution strategy?

👉 How does tracking work with referrer?